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Dr. Gabriel Neagu - Miscellaneous
Experience in Research & Development
Contribution to Strategic RDI documents
Teaching Activities
Reviewer for International Conferences
Organizer / Chair of Conference Sessions
Editorial Activites
Research and Industrial Fairs, Exhibitions
Experience in Research & Development
R&D Activity
- Scientific researcher I-st degree, ICI (since 01/1995)
- Scientific researcher II-nd degree (01/1990 - 01/1995)
- Scientific researcher III-rd degree, ICI (07/1983 - 01/1990)
- Scientific researcher ICI (11/1979 - 07/1983)
- programmer, ICI (02/1974 - 11/1979)
R&D Management
- Counsellor, ICI (since 01/2021)
- Technical Director, ICI (06/2020 - 01/2021)
- Scientific Director, ICI (12/2017 - 05/2020)
- Head of "Distributed infrastructures, tools and algorithms for eScience and eBusiness" Research Team, ICI (since 07/2009)
- Head of "Research of Excellence" Laboratory, ICI (04/2006 - 06/2009)
- Head of "Research" Department, ICI (07/2004 - 03/2006)
- Head of "Complex Projects" Department, ICI (03/2002 - 06/2004)
- Head of Research Laboratory, ICI (07/1985 - 01/1995, 11/2000 - 02/2002)
- Coordinator of Laboratory for "Business Engineering based on Electronic Commerce", Human Resources Training Centre, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, University "Politehnica" Bucharest (1999 - 2001)
- Head of Information Systems Design Section, ICI (01/1984 - 06/1985)
Contribution to Strategic RDI documents
- Romanian Academy, „Romania's Development Strategy over the next 20 years”, Project 10 „Romania - a society of knowledge and added value to what it has”, 2016-2017
Contributor & Mediator for the thematic topic „Knowledge resources created through Research-Development-Innovation activities”
- National Authority for Scientific Research, project „Development of the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation in the period 2014-2020”, July-August 2013
Member & Rapporteur of the ICT Experts Panel
- National Authority for Scientific Research, Romanian Committee for Research Infrastructures, „Report on research infrastructures in Romania and priorities of their development”, 2008
Member of RCRI
- National Authority for Scientific Research, Pilot project for the implementation of the national Grid infrastructure, "Strategic Plan", 2006
Member of the Pilot project National Task Force
Teaching Activities
- Masteral Courses:
- University ”Politehnica” of Bucharest - UPB, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, Human Resources Training Centre (1997-2019)
- UPB, Department of Management, School for Advanced Studies in Management (2001-2011)
- UPB, Faculty of Entrepreuneurship, Business Engineering and Management (2011-2017)
- National Institute for Economic Development Bucharest (INDE) - Executive MBA (1999-2002); INDE Ploiesti (2002-2005)
- Academy of Economic Studies - ASE Bucharest (2000-2002)
- University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters - Department of Information Society (2003-2007)
- Undergraduate courses:
- UPB, Department of Management (2003-2011)
- UPB, Faculty of Entrepreuneurship, Business Engineering and Management (2011-2015)
- UPB, Faculty for Electrical Engineering (2009-2012)
- University Valahia of Targoviste, Faculty of Electrical Engineering - associate professor (1999-2004)
- Member in Ph.D. awarding juries, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest:
- Romanian Academy, School of Advenced Studies: 2016 (1), 2018 (1)
- UPB, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, Department of Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics: 2004 (2), 2006 (3), 2008 (2), 2009 (1), 2013 (1), 2016 (1)
- UPB, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, Department of Computer Science: 2012 (1), 2019 (2), 2020 (1)
- UPB, Faculty of Entrepreuneurship, Business Engineering and Management, Department of Industrial Management: 2012 (1), 2013 (1).
Reviewer for International Conferences
- as IPC member - see Membership page.
- WMSCI 2015 - 19th World Multi-Conference on
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 12-15, 2015.
- ICSTCC 2012 - 16th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, Romania, October 12-14, 2012.
- 1st Doctoral Symposium on Future Internet Enterprise System, University "Potitehnica" of Bucharest, Romania, June 27-28, 2011.
- CSCS 2011 - 18th Int. Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, May 24-27, 2011.
- CSCS 2009 - 17th Int. Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-29, 2009.
- IFAC 2005 - 16th World Congress of International Federation for Automatic Control, Prague, Czech Republic, July 4-8, 2005.
- MCPL 2000 - 2nd IFAC/IFIP/IEEE Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics, Grenoble, France, July 5-8, 2000.
Organizer / Chair of Conference Sessions
- Workshop Smart Services for Edge and Cloud Computing – SSECC 2019 - 22nd Int. Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science – CSCS22, Bucharest, Romania, May 28-30, 2019.
Workshop co-organizer & co-chair
- Workshop Smart Services for Edge and Cloud Computing – SSECC 2017 - 21st Int. Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science – CSCS21, Bucharest, Romania, May 29-31, 2017.
Workshop co-organizer & co-chair
- Research Data Alliance Event RDA Meets Romanian Researchers - Bucharest, Romania, May 29, 2017, in connection with CSCS21 Int. Conference.
Event co-organizer & chair
- Track Management of Big Data in Clouds - 3-rd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies, Bucharest, Romania, September 19-21, 2012.
Track organizer & co-chair
- HiPerGRID Invited Session High Performance Grid Middleware, in connection with ICCP 2012 - 2012 IEEE International Conference On Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, August 30 - September 1, 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Session co-chair
- Session Distributed Computing - 18th Int. Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, May 24-27, 2011.
Session co-chair
- Session Distributed Computing - 17th Int. Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-29, 2009.
Session co-chair
- Invited session Solutions for SME's Competitiveness in Global Manufacturing - 1998 International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Diego, California, USA, October 11-14, 1998.
Session organizer & chair
- Invited session Advanced Issues in Industrial Scheduling - 1995 INRIA / IEEE Symmposium on Emerging Technologies and Factrory Automation, Paris, France, October 10-13, 1995.
Session organizer & chair
Editorial Activites
- member of Editorial Board, Romanian Review for Informatics and Control, ICI, ISSN: 1220-1758 (since 2010).
- Guest co-editor, Special issue "Advanced Services in Heterogenous Distributed Systems", Studies In Informatics and Control, 26(4), December 2017.
- reviewer, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley Online, ISSN: 1532-0634; ISI Impact factor 0.997 (since 2015).
- reviewer, Control Engineering Practice, Elsevier, ISSN: 0967-0661; ISI Impact factor 1.814 (since 2015).
- reviewer, Romanian Journal of Human - Computer Interaction, RoCHI (ACM SIGCHI Romania), ISSN 1843-4460 (since 2014).
- reviewer, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Elsevier, ISSN: 0736-5845; ISI Impact factor: 2.305 (since 2013).
- reviewer, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi; ISI Impact Factor 0.762 (2012).
- reviewer, Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, SRAIT, ISSN 1454-8658; ISI Impact factor 0.537 (since 2012).
- reviewer, International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, InderScience, ISSN 1741-847X (2011).
- reviewer, European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, ISSN: 0377-2217; ISI Impact factor: 2.358 (since 1998).
- reviewer, Studies in Informatics and Control, ICI, ISSN: 1220-1766; ISI Impact factor 0,913 (since 1994).
Research and Industrial Fairs, Exhibitions
- Member of the organizing team of the Future Match brokerage events organized by the Enterprise Europe Network at the International ICT Fair CeBIT, Research Hall, Hannover, Germany, March, editions 2012-2017.
- Co-organizer and speaker for the session entitled How SMEs can benefit from having increased access to innovation management tools and learning, trough Horizon 2020 and COSME, at the National Innovation Forum & Exhibition, RomExpo, Bucharest, Romania, October 10, 2015.
- Co-organizer and speaker for the session entitled Research abd Innovation in behalf of SMEs, at the National Innovation Forum & Exhibition, RomExpo, Bucharest, Romania, October 16, 2014.
- Co-organizer of the booth for the EU project "Idealist2011 - Trans-national cooperation among ICT NC", Future Internet Conference Week, Ghent, Belgium, Dec.13-17, 2010.
- Co-organizer of the booth for the INCO-Copernicus project "MULTISERVE - Applications of advanced satellite telecommunication services" at the International ICT Fair CeBIT, Research Hall, Hannover, Germany, March 1966.
- Diploma of excellence awarded at the anniversary of the semicentenary of the Department of Computer Science, University Politehnica of Bucharest, May 31, 2019
- Diploma of excellence awarded at the anniversary of the semicentenary of the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 12, 2017
- Anniversary Diploma awarded at the 150th Anniversary of the Romanian Academy Library, September 14, 2017.
- The FORSEE project has been selected as one of 6 projects with a high impact among 122 projects in South East Europe, SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme, 2014
- Best Paper Award, Section “Information Technology”, the National Conference "Research of Excelence as a way to E.R.A", Brasov, October 25-26, 2007.
- Diploma of Excellence, awarded by the National Authority for Scientific Research, for the participation in the Framework Programme 6 of the European Commission, 2006.
- Honorary Diploma on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the National Institute for Economic Development - INDE Bucharest, 2002.
- Mentioned in the 16th Edition (1999) of "Who’s Who in the World", Marquis Who’s Who, New Providence, NJ 07974, USA.
- Member of the New York Academy of Science, since 1996.
- "Cum laude" Diploma for outstanding contributions to the ICI development, 09/1995.
- UNESCO - International Directory of Experts Specialized in Inforamtics, 2nd Edition 1994, page 340.
- Grand Prize of the Technical Evaluation Commission, ICI Bucharest, “Directory Project for Implementing IT in Romania” (project team member), 1992.