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Dr. Gabriel Neagu - Research Projects (since 2000)
National Projects
European Projects
Phare Projects
Institutional Projects
National Projects
3rd National RDI Programme, project PN-III-P2-2.1-SOL-2016-03-0046 „Space technologies used in the management of disasters and major crises, manifested at local, national and regional levels”, 04/2017 – 11/2020, project consortium including 8 partners.
Director for project proposal
3rd National RDI Programme, project PN-III-PCCDI „Institutional capacities and services for research, monitoring and forecasting of risks in outer space”, 03/2018 - 03/2021, project coordinator The Romanian Space Agency
Team member
Sectoral Program „Digital Agenda for Romania - Section of electronic services”, grant no 144 „Research, Development and Innovation in ICT: Develop innovative products and services that serve the 10 sectors identified for Smart Specializaton”, 07/2015-11/2017.
Project director
Sectoral Program „Digital Agenda for Romania - Section of electronic services”, grant no 148 „Using Big Data technologies in governmental information systems”, 07/2015-11/2017.
Team member
2nd National RDI Programme, project PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1686 „ProActive Ageing - Extension of the active life for independent and healthy aging”, 09/2014 – 09/2017, project consortium including 4 partners.
Team member
Sectoral Operational Program „Increase of Economic Competitiveness” 2.2.3, grant no 50 „Development of the RO-01-ICI site as a node in the national grid infrastructure for research – RO-01-ICI v.2”, 06/2009-05/2011; project site (in Romanian)
Project director
2nd National RDI Programme, project 11064 „PEGAF - Experimental Grid platform for development of workflow oriented applications with dynamic allocation of resources”, 09/2007 – 10/2010, project consortium including 4 partners.
Project director
2nd National RDI Programme, project 81060 „PHCenter – Platform and Help-center for remote diagnosis and intervention in hazardous situations”, 09/2007 – 07/2010, project coordinator University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, National Centre for Information Technology.
ICI project coordinator
CEEX National RTD Programme, project 95 „GridMOSI - Virtual Organisation for High Performance Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation”, 10/2005 – 02/2008, project consortium including 4 partners; project poster.
Project director
CEEX National RTD Programme, project 83 „ORGVIRT - Research on structuring, design and development of industrial virtual enterprises”, 10/2005-09/2008, project consortium including 4 partners.
Team member
RELANSIN National R&D Programme, project 83 „IComGrid - Pilot communication infrastructure for Grid”, 09/2004 – 02/2006, project consortium including 3 partners.
Project director
ORIZONT 2000 National R&D Programme, theme A39 „Approaches in the implementation of the electronic commerce solution at the company level”, 02/2001-12/2003.
Project coordinator
ORIZONT 2000 National R&D Programme, theme B1 „Strategy for Grid development in Romania”, 09.2002-12.2002, RoGrid consortium including 5 partners;
Co-executive in charge
European Projects
Horizon 2020 project INFRAEOSC-05-2018-2019 „NI4OS-Europe - National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe”, 09/2019 – 02/2023, project coordinator - GRNET, Greece.
Team member
Horizon 2020 project ICT-33-2014 „Idealist2018 - Trans-national cooperation among National Contact Points”, 01/2015 – 12/2018, project coordinator - ISERD, Israel.
National representative and H2020 ICT National contact point
Black See Economic Cooperation project „gEclipseGrid - Experimental Deployment of an Integrated Grid and Cloud Enabled Environment in BSEC Countries on the Base of g-Eclipse”, 02/2013 – 01/2014, project coordinator - Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia.
National coordinator
FP7 project ICT-2011-7-288598 „Idealist2014 - Trans-national cooperation among ICT NCPs”, 10/2011 – 12/2014, project coordinator - DLR, Germany.
National representative and FP7 ICT National contact point, member of the Management Board
SEE Transnational Cooperation Program, project SEE/B/0039/1.3/X „FORSEE - Regional ICT Foresight exercise for Southeast European countries”, 12/2010 – 05/2014, project coordinator - University of Patras, Greece.
National coordinator
FP7 project INFRA-2007-211338 „SEE-GRID-SCI - SEE-GRID eInfrastructure for regional eScience”, 05/2008 – 04/2010, project coordinator - GRNET, Greece; Romanian Joint Research Unit (JRU) including 5 partners.
National coordinator
FP7 project ICT-2007-3-231367 „Idealist2011 - Trans-national cooperation among ICT NCPs”, 10/2008 – 09/2011, project coordinator - DLR, Germany.
National representative and FP7-ICT National contact point
FP7 project INFRA-2007-2-222667 „EGEE III - Enabling Grid for E-sciencE III”, 04/2008 – 04/2010, project coordinator - CERN, Switzerland; Romanian JRU including 7 partners.
National workpackage coordinator
FP6 project 2004-Infrastructures-7-031775 „SEE-GRID-2 - South Eastern European GRid-enabled eInfrastructure Development 2”, 05/2006 – 04/2008, project coordinator - GRNET, Greece; Romanian JRU including 5 Romanian partners.
Workpakage leader & National project coordinator
FP6 project 2005-IST-6-045059 „Idealist7fp - Support for participants in ICT Priority by network for IST under the transition to the 7th Framework Programme”, 10/2006 – 09/2008, project coordinator - DLR, Germany.
National representative
FP6 project Research Infrastructure 2004-031688 „EGEE II - Enabling Grid for E-sciencE”, 04/2006-03/2008, project coordinator - CERN, Switzerland; Romanian JRU including 5 partners.
National workpackage coordinator
FP6 project Research Infrastructure 2002-002356 „SEE-GRID - South Eastern European GRid-enabled eInfrastructure Development”, 05/2004-04/2006, project coordinator - GRNET, Greece; Romanian JRU including 5 partners.
National coordinator
FP6 project IST-2004-015823 „IST World - Knowledge Base for RTD competencies in IST”, 04/2005-09/2007, project coordinator - DFKI, Germany.
National coordinator
FP6 project Research Infrastructure 2004-031688 „EGEE - Enabling Grid for E-sciencE”, 04/2004-03/2006, project coordinator - CERN, Switzerland; Romanian JRU including 5 partners.
National workpackage coordinator
FP6 project IST-2003-511355 „Idealist34 – Partner Search Support for participants in IST Priority by European network of NCP for IST under the 6th Framework Program”, 06/2004-09/2006, project coordinator - DLR, Germany.
National representative
FP5 project IST-2000-29556 „NASTEC - Building trust in networking in Newly Associated States through the use of secure information society technologies”, 06/2001-11/2003, project coordinator – SETCEE Ljubljana, Slovenia.
National coordinator
FP5 project IST-2001-34841 „IST-Mentor - Mentoring of IST Multipliers of IST-Multipliers in the Newly Associated States”, 02/2002-11/2004.
Local expert
FP5 project IST-2000-29381 „ENLARGE – Entrepreneurship Laboratory for Eastern European Region”, 04/2001-11/2002, project coordinator - Athens Laboratory of Business Administration (ALBA), Greece.
Team member
Phare Projects
Project RO9804.05.01 „Support to the National CIvil Servants Agency in Designing and Implementing Civil Service Reform", 01/2002-11/2002; Project coordinator - PLS Consult, Denmark; Beneficiary - the National Civil Servants Agency.
Coordinator of the IT component
Project „Technical assistance for the implementation of the IT system for the introduction of the global revenue tax”, 01-12/2000; Project coordinator - Imathia S.L., Spania; Beneficiary - the Ministry of Finance.
Team member
Institutional Projects
SMARTIC Programme, project PN 19 37 03 01 „System for health non-invasive monitoring and assessment in the intelligent environment for elderly people”, 2019-2023.
Team member
SMARTIC Programme, project PN 19 37 06 01 „Advanced applications of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data”, 2019-2023.
Team member
RESINFO – TD Program, project PN 18 19 02 01 „Systems and applications based on the convergence between Big Data, intelligent analysis of data, and advanced machine learning”, 2018.
Team member
COGNOTIC Programme, project PN 16 09 04 01 „Internet of Things platforms evaluation and experimentation”, 2016-2017.
Team member
TEHSIN Programme, project PN 09 23 04 09 „Research on Big Data solutions based on IoT architectures”, 2015.
Team member
TEHSIN Programme, project PN 09 23 04 08 „Experimentation of an open source platform for Cloud services in R&D activites ”, 2015.
Team member
TEHSIN Programme, project PN 09 23 01 09 „Conceptual model of a cloud based integrated services platform for home monitoring of elderly persons”, 2014-2015.
Team member
TEHSIN Programme, project PN 09 23 04 08 „Experiments with an Open source platform of cloud services for R&D activities”, 2014-2015.
Team member
TEHSIN Programme, project PN 09 23 04 01 „Evolution of service oriented infrastructures and related technologies in the context of European technology platforms and Grid”, 2009; 2012.
Project director
PRONOVA Programme, project PN 0619 02 09 „Experimental model for administration of RDI competences in the ICT domain”, 01/2006-05/2008.
Project director
TESIS Programme, project PN PN 0313 01 01 „Distributed architectures for access to heterogeneous IT resources”, 05/2003-12/2005.
Project director